The Common Injuries of Electric Surfboarding

electric surfboard injuries

In the world of water sports, injuries are possible, if not common. Electric Surfboards are no exception. Talk to any surfer and they'll say it's only a matter of time if you don't get hit by the board. When learning to power surfboard, falls are part of the process. In any activity that requires finding a balance, accidents will happen. While 99% of falls are likely to be harmless, just splashing into the water, there is always a chance you could get hurt.

Common Surfer Injuries

If you fall on the hydrofoil, wear a helmet and life jacket the entire time. Be careful not to touch any sharp objects. It is dangerous to keep hands and feet away from the propeller when approaching the surfboard in the water. Touching it can cause serious injury. As a surfboarder, there are several ways to sustain injury.

First, you could drop onto your board or its components. Masts, wings and propellers all have extremely sharp edges that can easily cut through exposed skin. Even holding the mast and wings of an Electric Surfboard with unprotected hands can leave marks. The board is usually made using a strong and strong material like carbon fiber for durability. This means that in the event of a collision with your board, your relatively soft body will be lost.

Second, you may fall onto natural objects. There are many things in the water, such as rocks, logs and reefs, that can cause injury. Depending on where your Electric Jet Surfboard is located, you face different risks. Frustration in shallow water or near shore increases the danger.

Third, you may collide with other people and other boats. In congested waters, there may be other swimmers, surfers, kitesurfers, kayakers, paddle boarders, boats, jet skis and other eFoil Electric Surfboarders.

Fourth, your Electric Foil Surfboard may hit you after you fall. It is important to learn how to bail safe from your craft. That means using your last bit of control to keep your Electric Powered Surfboard away and out of its path. Falling in front of your board is the scariest thing. However, even if you leave the path of the board, it is possible for the Electric Surfboard to change direction and come back to you.

All of these events can result in lacerations, especially on exposed skin such as the head, arms, and legs. Bumps and bruises are to be expected. Thankfully, most injuries are minor and do not require professional medical attention.

The Helmets for Electric Hydrofoil Surfboard

Regardless of skill level or experience, surfers often face certain inherent risks when using a power surfboard. There are many ways to get hurt, you could get hit by a plank or hit your head on a rock. Results can range from mild to severe. Lacerations, facial cuts, ruptured eardrums, brain damage, and death are also possible.

Helmets are known to help reduce the risk of head injury. While helmets are now standard in traditional sports, they haven't caught on in many water sports.

Why do so many people think wearing a helmet is unnecessary? The reasons vary. Some people think it's "not cool". Others said it was uncomfortable. Still others claim that the helmet affects their performance. Whatever the reason, they unfortunately eschewed the protective gear that would help prevent fatal accidents. Many surfers die in accidents that could have been prevented if they had worn helmets. While we recommend wearing a helmet at all times, there are certain situations where you should absolutely wear one.

1. If you're a beginner, you probably don't even know how to control your skateboard consistently. As a beginner, you will fall a lot. Falling off a power surfboard properly is also a skill that takes time to learn.

2. Falling into an open ocean or lake is safer because there are fewer things to crash into. However, once you are in shallow water, the chances of falling into rocks, coral, debris and the sea floor increase. Head injuries from hitting hard, sharp rocks can be fatal.

3. Electric Jet Surfboarding alone is inherently more dangerous as there is no one around to rescue you if you get injured. Wearing a helmet reduces the chance of being knocked over or seriously injured enough to be unable to return to shore. This is crucial when you have no one to help you.

4. Once you add other people to your environment, the chances of collisions skyrocket. Being around other people, doing various activities, means their movements become less and less predictable. This is especially true for inexperienced eFoil Electric Surfboarders.

5. Big waves are killers. The most skilled and experienced surfers die trying to tackle huge waves. Even if you don't want to tackle big waves, even moderate waves can knock you over. The intense impact of waves and surfboards can knock you unconscious, burst your eardrums, disorient and increase your risk of drowning.

6. While the primary purpose of helmets is to protect you from impacts, they do serve a secondary purpose. The helmet covers your head, including your forehead and ears, and protects you from the sun, wind, and cold water. Some helmets also have visors to protect the eyes from the sun.

How to Play Electric Foil Surfboards Safely?

I protect myself as much as possible. Every time I ride, I wear long-sleeved tops, from sun protection to wetsuits, depending on the temperature. I also wear gloves and boots. This is mainly for sun protection, but they also provide some protection against blunt or sharp objects. Also, I wear a Coast Guard approved PFD and yes, I even wear a horrible helmet. It's easy to say you don't need to do these things. You might think it's overly cautious. However, I think of this gear like I think of wearing a seat belt. You don't need them - until you do.

In the end, I prefer to ride Electric Powered Surfboards with my mates if possible. It's not hard to imagine being knocked unconscious somehow and subsequently drowning in the accident. Having an extra pair of eyes on you provides more of a safety cushion. Someone to call for help if I am seriously injured.

One of the best things that happened to me was having some minor accidents with my Electric Surfboard as a beginner. If I hadn't gotten scuffed early on by my skateboard, I probably wouldn't have bothered with the helmet. Hitting my Electric Hydrofoil Surfboard against rocks made me more aware of where I was surfing, far from shore. I read on a message board that someone saw the results of some Electric Jet Surfboard accidents. He described them as horrific photos. He said he didn't want eFoil Electric Surfboards because the chance of injury was too high. This is a valid point. Everyone has to decide for themselves where to draw the line between risk and reward.

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