Do Electric Skateboard Helmets Expire?

Examine Electric Skateboard Helmets

This article will explore the effectiveness of electric skateboard helmets, and whether they will expire. The first thing to be clear is that all items expire over time, and helmets of Veymax Skateboard are no exception.

Before using a hard hat, be sure to check the date it was made to ensure its construction and materials meet current safety standards. In addition, if the helmet is exposed to the sun for a long time, water pollution or high temperature, its molecular structure will change, thereby reducing the safety performance, so it is recommended to replace or maintain the helmet regularly to ensure its safety.

Electric Skateboard Helmet Safety and Replacement

It's important to make sure your helmet is in good working order and adjusted properly before each ride, but do factors other than dents and scratches play a role when you should replace your helmet?

We'll outline our skate helmet recommendations below, but be sure to check the owner's manual you received from your helmet manufacturer for specific recommendations for your helmet.

When Should I Replace My Electric Skateboard Helmet?

CR recommends following manufacturer recommendations or getting a new bicycle helmet every five years or so because of the ways a helmet can get beaten up over time, according to Handel. A heavily used helmet is going to be exposed to ultraviolet light from the sun, and it might be repeatedly tossed into a locker or a car, where summer temperatures can top 120° F.

Electric skateboard helmets are designed to absorb shock by partially breaking the shell and liner. This damage may not be visible. So if you take an impact, even if the helmet appears to be intact, destroy it and replace it.

Replace old or damaged helmets. Helmets have a limited lifespan and should be replaced when they show visible signs of wear. Also, helmet components lose strength over time, so even if the helmet has not been impacted or damaged, we recommend replacing it after three years. Regular and proper helmet cleaning and care can help alert you to damaged or deteriorated helmets.

Eboard Helmet Safety Standards and Tests

Same as bike helmet, electric skateboard helmet standards set minimum requirements for important things like impact management and strap strength. You can tell which standards a helmet meets by looking for a standard certification sticker on the inside of the helmet. If you see this label, the helmet meets the minimum requirements of that standard.

The CPSC standard is a legal requirement for any helmet produced for the US market. It was adopted by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission and all helmets sold in the US after 1999 must comply.

ASTM is the American Society for Testing and Materials, a non-governmental standards-setting organization. The ASTM label indicates that the helmet has also passed ASTM standards.

How Do I Examine My Helmet?

If you can say yes to any of the following questions, it means that your bike helmet or skate helmet is in a poor condition and should be replaced.

  • Does the outer shell has any cracks, scrapings or bumps? Examine the outer shell. If the color is faded, this can indicate that the plastic has been tenderized by UV-radiation from the sun and by the wind, and you should therefore replace the helmet.
  • Are there any signs of cracks or aging in the inner shell? Turn the helmet around, take out the padding and examine the inner shell.
  • Do the buckles and straps work poorly? Inspect to see if the buckles click together properly and if the straps are nice and unharmed.
  • Do you have issues tightening and loosening the size-adjustable system? Some helmets have a rotary buckle at the back which can be used to adjust the size to a tailored and comfortable fit. If the buckle doesn't work optimally, the helmet should be replaced.

Bicycle Helmet Law

Every country has its own helmet laws, and in the US there is no federal law requiring bicycle helmets. County, state, and city laws regarding bicycle helmet use can vary, but you should also follow local helmet laws if you ride an electric skateboard, so check the local bylaws where you live and ride. If you're not sure where to find this information, your local bike shop is a great resource.

Ready to find your next electric skateboard helmet?

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