Skateboarding FAQs

About the Electric Skateboards

Skateboarding is a great way to exercise, express yourself and even compete in competitions. However, it also comes with potential risks. It’s important that all skateboarders understand safety protocols, seek appropriate instruction and remain aware of their own skill level when practicing this sport.

When taking up skateboarding you should understand the basics such as how to stand on a board, how to steer and balance yourself while riding and how to brake safely. You should also take some time learning the parts of the skateboard such as the deck (the flat platform), trucks (two metal T-shaped pieces) and wheels (which help you ride). It's important to know about grip tape which is used for traction on the deck and bearings, which are placed inside the wheels to help them spin.

Q: What kind of wheels should I get for skateboarding?

A: The size and hardness of your wheels will depend on the type of skateboarding you're doing. Most street skaters prefer harder, smaller wheels (54-59mm) as they provide more control for tricks. If you're mainly cruising or going downhill, larger softer wheels (60-70mm) are optimal since they provide more grip and cushioning from any bumps in the road. Remember to also check the durometer rating of your new wheels—the higher the number, the harder the wheel. Generally speaking, a lower durometer provides more traction and is better for cruising while a higher number gives you more speed but less grip. It's all about finding the perfect balance between grip and speed for your riding style.

Q: What kind of skateboard should I buy?

A: The type of board you choose will depend largely on what kind of riding you’re planning to do. For street or ramp skating, a short board (7"- 8") with hard wheels is recommended as it gives you more control when performing tricks. Alternatively, if you're looking to cruise around town or take long rides downhill, then a longer board (9" - 10") with softer wheels would be better suited to your needs. Additionally, don't forget to think about the materials used in the construction of your deck—wood, plastic, metal are all viable options depending on what kind of riding you're planning to do. Finally, make sure you get a board that's the right size for your height and weight—you don't want to be stuck with an ill-fitting board!

Q: What safety gear should I use when skateboarding?

A: Safety is key when it comes to skateboarding, so make sure you are outfitted with the appropriate protective gear. A quality helmet is essential for protecting your head from any falls or bumps. Additionally, elbow and knee pads will help cushion any impacts and keep you from getting injured. Finally, wrist guards are also a wise investment as they can help protect your hands in case of an unexpected crash. With the right equipment and some practice, you'll be able to enjoy skateboarding safely and confidently.

Q: What kind of equipment do I need for skateboarding?

You'll need a board, trucks, wheels, bearings, grip tape and safety gear such as a helmet and knee pads or elbow pads in order to start skateboarding. Additionally, you may want to consider purchasing specialty items such as slide gloves or special shoes designed specifically for skateboarding.

Q: How do I choose the right size skateboard?

Your weight, height, and shoe size are important considerations when selecting a board. Generally speaking, lighter riders should look for smaller decks (the part of the skateboard you stand on) and heavier riders should go for larger boards. The width of your deck should generally be determined by the size of your shoes.

Q: What type of surface is best to skate on?

Skateboarding can be done on a variety of surfaces such as asphalt or concrete, but smooth surfaces with less traction are the ideal environment for most skaters because they allow for more control and maneuverability when turning or performing tricks.

Q: How do I know if I'm ready to start trying tricks?

Before attempting tricks, you should become comfortable with your skateboard and get a feel for the basics like pushing, turning, stopping, and balancing. Once these skills are mastered, you're ready to start learning new tricks such as ollies or kickflips.

Q: What safety gear should I use when skateboarding?

It's important to wear appropriate safety gear while skating in order to reduce risk of injury from falls and collisions. Wearing a helmet is essential and knee pads and elbow pads can also provide extra protection. Additionally, slide gloves will help reduce friction burns if you ever fall on your hands.

Q: What should I do if I am just starting out?

A: If you are a beginner skater, it is important to acquire the proper safety gear. To get started, pick up a skateboard and protective gear such as a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads. It is also beneficial to find someone knowledgeable about skateboarding who can provide tips and advice on how to progress your skills safely. Take advantage of online tutorials or attend classes in order to learn basic techniques and tricks before attempting them on your own.

Q: Are there any special techniques for street skating?

A: Street skateboarding requires different techniques than those used in skate parks and ramps. Utilizing the environment around you, it is important to be aware of obstacles such as curbs, stairs, and benches that can be incorporated into tricks. It is also beneficial to understand the physics behind how a skateboard works so you can better utilize your body weight when trying different tricks. Working on basic foot placement and balance will help you become more comfortable with street skating and allow you to progress your skills further.

Q: What are some tips for performing tricks?

A: When attempting a trick, it is always important to warm up both mentally and physically beforehand. Visualize yourself landing the trick successfully before attempting it in order to build confidence. Make sure you are wearing the proper safety gear and have a spotter on hand to help in case of an accident. Starting out with smaller tricks or pops can help you get used to being airborne and increase your confidence for larger tricks. With practice, dedication and determination you will be able to master any trick you desire.

Q: How can I prevent skateboard injuries?

A: The most important thing when it comes to preventing skateboarding injuries is to wear the proper safety gear. Make sure you are wearing a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and wrist guards at all times. It is also important to practice tricks in a safe area free of obstacles such as cars or pedestrians. Take breaks between attempts and use common sense when trying new stunts or bigger tricks that may be out of your comfort zone.

Q: How often should I replace my skateboard?

A: Skateboards take a lot of wear and tear and it is important to keep track of the condition of your board. You may want to consider replacing your board if you start to notice cracks in the deck or wheels that are worn out. It is also recommended to inspect your board before every ride, even if it looks fine, as this will help ensure your safety while skating. Skateboarding can be an expensive hobby so make sure you do research on what type of board would best suit your needs before making a purchase.

Q: What are the best skateboarding spots to visit?

A: The best skateboarding spots will depend on your skill level, location and preferences. If you are a beginner skater, it is recommended to look for smaller parks or plazas with fewer obstacles. If possible, try joining a local team or find someone knowledgeable about the area so they can show you different spots with varying levels of difficulty. Experienced skaters may want to look for street spots that have unique features such as stairs, rails or ledges. Skateparks also offer challenging courses that can help improve your skills and make sure you are getting enough practice before attempting bigger tricks outdoors. With some research and exploration, you can find the perfect skateboarding spot.

Q: What are some of the benefits of skateboarding?

A: Skateboarding is a great way to stay physically fit, build strength and coordination, increase balance, and improve overall cardiovascular health. It is also an excellent way to make friends and be part of a creative community. Through skateboarding you can express yourself in unique ways by performing tricks or creating art with your board. Additionally, it can help build confidence as you progress through different levels of difficulty. The fun and sense of accomplishment that comes from learning new tricks makes it easy to understand why skateboarding has become such a popular sport for all ages.

Q: What is the best way to clean a skateboard?

A: The best way to clean your skateboard is by using a damp cloth and some mild soap. Make sure you are cleaning your board regularly as this will help keep it in top condition for longer periods of time. Begin by thoroughly wiping away any dirt or grime from the deck and wheels. If needed, use a light brush to scrub away more difficult areas, but avoid putting too much pressure on the board as this can damage it. After cleaning, you may want to apply some wax on the board to protect it from wear and tear while skating. With proper care, your skateboard will last many years.

Q: What should I do if I am not feeling comfortable while skateboarding?

A: It is normal to feel a bit nervous when trying new tricks or skating in new places. If you ever find yourself feeling uncomfortable while skateboarding, take a break and assess the situation. Be honest with yourself about your abilities so that you are not pushing yourself too hard or taking on more than you can handle. Listen to what your body tells you; if something feels off or dangerous, take a few steps back and reassess the situation. Skating should be enjoyable, so never put yourself in an unsafe position just to try a trick or impress someone else.

Q: What do I need to get started?

A: The basic equipment necessary for skateboarding includes a board, trucks, wheels, bearings, grip tape, hardware and optional padding or protective gear. If you’re just starting out as a beginner skater, it’s important to invest in quality parts so your setup won't fall apart after a few rides. However, if you plan on progressing further into more advanced tricks and maneuvers, you may want to consider investing in a better board and higher quality components.

Q: What size skateboard should I get?

A: Most skaters prefer boards between 7.5” and 8.25” wide as they are considered the most versatile for all types of riding styles. For street skating and trick-based maneuvers, it’s usually best to go with a slightly narrower board, around 7.75”, while wider boards over 8” are better suited for larger riders or those doing technical transitions like bowl skating or vert ramps.

Q: What type of wheels should I buy?

A: Skateboard wheels come in various sizes, shapes, hardness and colors. Some of the most common wheel sizes range from 52mm to 60mm and they come in both soft and hard varieties. Soft wheels are better for street skating and technical tricks, while harder wheels are better suited for cruising and skate parks. Additionally, choosing the right hardness is essential for controlling your speed; softer wheels will grip the ground more easily allowing you to keep your speed down, while harder ones can help you gain more speed on a downhill run or transition.

Q: What type of trucks should I buy?

A: Trucks are typically measured by their width in inches (e.g., 7.75", 8”). For street skating, you'll want to go with a slightly narrower truck around 7.75” as those are more easily maneuverable and allow for greater responsiveness to the board. For bowl skating and vert ramps, it's best to go with wider trucks in the 8-9" range as they offer more stability while transitioning between tricks. The axle length is also important when choosing a truck; most street skaters prefer shorter axles of around 5”, while longer axles ranging from 6-7” are better suited for larger boards or riders.

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