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How To Charge Your Veymax E-board Properly?

Veymax Electric Skateboard Charging

Electric skateboards are everywhere, and we love them! These ingenious modes of transportation offer convenience, an environmentally friendly way of getting around, and are very, very cool.

Everyone knows that an e-skateboard is relatively easy to use, which is why it's fast taking over electric bikes - but what about the charging process?

It all seems so easy, doesn't it? Just plug in your charger, wait until your skateboard battery reaches maximum capacity then you're good to go! However, there are some things you need to understand about how to charge an electric longboard.

Charging Veymax X3 Series Electric Skateboards

At Veymax, we create e-boards with style. Every element of our Veymax Skateboard serves as an ultra-stylish yet practical way for you to get to where you need to be.

One of the primary functions we wanted to focus on was the ease of use, which relates directly to the batteries we use.

We use lithium-ion batteries, the charging process is pretty simple, and as long as you follow the above steps, you'll have no issues with prolonging your battery life and enjoying the skateboard.

1. Plug the charger into your wall socket and ensure the light comes on to show it's working.

2. Our Veymax X3 Series comes with a charging port cap which is easy to remove. All you need to do is plug the charger cable into the port, and you're good to go!

3. The X3 Series takes between four to five hours to charge, and the green indicator light shows when the skateboard's battery level reaches its optimum.

4. Once you finish charging, all you need to do is remove the skateboard battery charger and close the port.

Charger light meaning

How To Charge An Electric Skateboard?

While the manuals give users a basic idea of how to charge an e-skateboard, they don't discuss potential issues that could arise and how to get the most out of the board. Well, if you are buying another brand of electric skateboard, we will also show you some ways and precautions to charge your skateboard properly.

Reduce The Heat From Your E-board

While many people will ride their Electric Skateboard and then plug it in to charge as soon as they get home, we recommend that you wait for the skateboard to cool down. When batteries and heat combine, it can often cause damage or impact the effectiveness of your battery.

Try to wait at least half an hour after riding to protect the battery life. If you leave your e-skateboard outside and the weather is hot, it's best to let it cool down in a garage or your house before charging.

Don't Mix Moisture and Electricity

The best motorized skateboards will usually have a waterproof rating of at least IP54. Still, no models are fully waterproof - and manufacturers advise people not to use their skateboards in the rain unless necessary.

The same advice expands to charging your skateboard, and most people know that avoiding water and electricity is down to common sense.

When you use a skateboard in the rain, water can get into the electric components or the battery case, which is why it's vital to ensure you dry the skateboard first.

Whether that's drying it yourself with a towel or waiting for the e-skateboard to dry naturally, you should never charge it while wet.

Another thing we should mention is not to use a hairdryer as it can push moisture further into the e-skateboard. Instead, use a wet to dry vacuum cleaner, which will draw any water out.

Stick to Manufacturer Guidelines

Many manufacturers advise that you only use their chargers - and this isn't a ploy to get you to spend more money. It ensures you use the correct charger for your e-skateboard model.

Some people decide to use chargers from a different manufacturer or universal chargers, but using the specified charger can ensure you don't damage the electric skateboard or battery.

Don't Leave The Skateboard On While It's Charging

Most electric skateboards have a function that allows you to turn it off and monitor the charging process. You should always turn the skateboard off because it prevents a simultaneous charge and discharge.

The only time you can leave your skateboard on is if it doesn't have a monitor function to show you how charged the batter is. Remember that leaving your e-skateboard to charge for longer than it needs can impact your battery life.

Charger First, E-Skateboard Second

Most people do this anyway, but it's always best to plug your charger into the socket first. Doing this enables you to avoid malfunctions and short circuits, but some manufacturers might advise you to plug your skateboard in first.

It ultimately depends on your skateboard model, but if your charger malfunctions when you plug it in, you'll protect the skateboard from any damage.

You should also check to see if your skateboard is actually charging, and most chargers use a light system so you can see whether there are any problems.

Green Light: The green light will appear when you plug your charger in, but not the skateboard. It indicates that the charger is working and ready to give your battery some life. Green lights also usually signify that the charging process is finished and your skateboard is ready to use.

Red Light: If you see a red light when charging your skateboard, it means that the battery life is still not completely recharged.

Some skateboard models also use a battery gauge, so you can see how much longer the charging process will be.

Remember to check your manual, as some manufacturers might use a different system.

Maximum Battery Life is Always Best

Whenever possible, you should charge your battery to its maximum capacity. The main reason for this is to ensure you don't constantly drain the battery. Remember, even the best lithium-ion batteries have a life cycle, and draining it means you'll need a replacement.

If you don't have time to charge the battery fully, try to calculate your journey to make sure you have enough time to get to where you be and back without leaving the Electric Skateboard to run on empty.

However, you should also ensure your skateboard's battery doesn't continuously charge. Ideally, you should remove the cable from the charging port soon after the battery reaches its maximum life.

This will also preserve your electric longboard's battery life and ensure you get long-term usage.

Keep Patient

Modern electric skateboards are highly durable electric mobility devices, but you should still be careful when you use them. Batteries will always be more susceptible to damage, and everyone knows that it's best to protect the battery of any device.

Instead of using your skateboard immediately after charging, it's best to leave it for a few minutes instead. You'll only need to wait for five minutes, and while it might not seem like much, it can prolong the life of motorized skateboard batteries.

Hopefully, this post gives you a good idea of how to charge an electric skateboard battery properly and why it's important. It's no secret that e-skateboards are an investment, and taking care of yours means you'll get a lot of use and enjoy all of the benefits these electric mobility devices offer.

We'll answer some commonly asked questions from our loyal Veymax fans to round off this post.

How long will my battery life last?

The life of your battery between each charge depends on how you use the skateboard. For example, when you ride some motorized skateboards at their maximum speed on rough terrain and hills, the charge could drain in less than an hour, whereas high-quality skateboards will hold a charge better.

Can I charge my electric skateboard overnight?

No, I advise you not to do this. Most electric longboards only need 2-3 hours to fully charge. Your e-skateboard will be at risk of over-charging if they don't have smart features that automatically switch up when the battery level reaches its maximum.

What if I don't have a charger?

As we mentioned before, charging your skateboard without the manufacturer's recommended charger is not advisable. Some professionals might recommend using a car battery with jumper cables, but this is a highly specialized technique.

In our opinion, if you don't have a charger to hand, then use the skateboard without its electric motor, and wait until you can buy a replacement charger from your manufacturer.

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Safety Tips for Riding E-boards
Electric Skateboarding Tips

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