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Why Does My Skateboard Slow Down So Fast?

Speeding through winding roads and terrains on a skateboard is a common practice of skateboarders at all skill levels. The...
Veymax Electric Skateboard Remote

How to use an electric skateboard remote control: remote guide

Electric skateboards are very easy to use. You stand on it just like you would on a traditional skateboard. The...
Start on Veymax X4

How to ride the Veymax Roadster X4 series electric skateboard?

Whether you're cruising around town or looking for a last-mile solution from the subway to work. The Veymax Roadster X4...
Riding on Veymax Roadster X4

Veymax Roadster X4 Series Guide: Start your thrilling journey now!

Welcome to the exciting world of electric skateboarding, where the wind blows through your hair and the streets become your...
Veymax Electric Skateboard Charging

How To Charge Your Veymax E-board Properly?

Electric skateboards are everywhere, and we love them! These ingenious modes of transportation offer convenience, an environmentally friendly way of...
Safety Tips for Riding E-boards

Veymax X3 Safety Tips to Avoid Injuries

If you ride an electric skateboard to commute to work, and you ride it on the roads, you have to...
Recent Posts

Why Does My Skateboard Slow Down So Fast?

Speeding through winding roads and terrains on a skateboard is a common...
Veymax Electric Skateboard Remote

How to use an electric skateboard remote control: remote guide

Electric skateboards are very easy to use. You stand on it just...
Start on Veymax X4

How to ride the Veymax Roadster X4 series electric skateboard?

Whether you're cruising around town or looking for a last-mile solution from...
Riding on Veymax Roadster X4

Veymax Roadster X4 Series Guide: Start your thrilling journey now!

Welcome to the exciting world of electric skateboarding, where the wind blows...
Veymax Electric Skateboard Charging

How To Charge Your Veymax E-board Properly?

Electric skateboards are everywhere, and we love them! These ingenious modes of...
Veymax's Video
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