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Off-road Skateboarding

History and Development of Electric Skateboards

Motorized Longboards have now entered the mainstream, and they're here to stay. They are a convenient and relatively quick way...
Longboard for Commuting

All the important parameters of a Motorized Longboard

Veymax Skate boards are becoming more popular as a convenient and eco-friendly mode of transportation. When choosing an E-Skateboard, there...
Black Veymax Board

Daily Usage Scenarios of Veymax Longboards

Electric Skate boards are a great option for transportation in various situations. Here are some scenarios where an Motorized Long...
Veymax Electric Skateboard

Why Cheap Electric Skateboards Are Not Recommended to Buy?

Would you recommend electric skateboards to your friends? Are the skateboards you are going to recommend expensive or cheap and...
Transport Electric Skateboards

How E-Skateboards Can Be Your Alternative Urban Transport

Traffic jams, parking hassles—going from point A to point B in a city can be exhausting. Veymax believes buying a...
Motorized Longboard Locks

How to Use an Electric Skateboard Lock?

Once you've chosen a lock for your eskate, it's important to know how to use it properly. The most common...
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e-skateboarding in spring

Everything About Electric Skateboard Lithium Batteries

Batteries are one of the key components that determine the performance and...
lithium battery of eskate

How to Properly Charge an Electric Motorized Skateboard

How to Properly Charge an Electric Skateboard Charging? How to properly charge...
riding an eboard

How Fast Can an E-Skateboard Run?

The introduction of Motorized Longboards revolutionized the skating experience. This portable mode...
veymax board riding

What Mistakes You Should Avoid When Buying Electric Skateboards?

Buying an Motorized E-Longboard is no longer complicated. Just check the options...
e-skateboard commuting

Common faults of Motorized Longboards

Time to start skating. You want to start with a practical, affordable,...
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